We Can't See Air... Hebrews 11

But we believe it's there, right?

How true is that saying?! Just like faith, we can't physically see God, but we believe in Him!

       'To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, 
to be certain of the things we cannot see.'
Hebrews 11:1

Having faith is to believe, in a way that we understand what we are believing in and why we believe in it. 
Why do we believe in it? 
Because The Bible tells us to? Or because other people tell us to?

I believe because I have seen with my own two eyes the work of God. So have you! Do you believe in miracles or perfection? If not, go outside in your backyard, pluck a piece of grass and I dare you to give that piece of grass to any scientist and tell him to make that same piece of grass without using any of its pieces. You could never do that. Why? This earth didn't just come to be. THE BIG BANG! 
'It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.'
Hebrews 11:3
Taking classes to become a MA is seriously blowing my mind. Learning about the body and all of its million and billions of tiny aspect is crazy! I will never understand how some one can believe that this earth just came to be when there is so many evidence that shows the work of only a perfect person. 
The human body can not be formed or remade by another person without the work of God. Becoming pregnant and growing a baby inside of your uterus is amazing! To know and understand every little detail that goes on inside of the body for 9-10 very long months, just gives me so much more faith in God. He is incredible! It's so amazing. 

God's work can also be seen through the work of others. Some people may be so open to help or teach, through God. I have met plenty of people who have become such a big help in my walk with God, which helps me believe that what might be unseen is so real. 

In a way that we start to believe is to start being open minded. Let certain things reach farther. 

A couple months ago, at bible study, a very strong and smart woman was sharing about how to pray. When we pray to ask God for healing, we need to believe that He will do what we are asking for. We need to have faith that He will come through, as He always does. Come into an agreement with your prayer and God. This is having faith. We have faith that God will heal, guide and help. 

I got hit with another one of God's curve balls today. It seems like He always hits me just when things are getting good for me. I completely understand why though! When things start to look up for me, I catch myself drifting away into the world again. I don't pray as much or I forget to read for a couple days. When God throws something into my life that I see as a burden or hardship, I worry. That's what I always do first, I worry. I know I shouldn't but once you have done that for almost your entire life, it will take some getting used to to adjust to your instincts. When God throws us something tough our way, we need to stop and pray. 
When I opened that piece of mail, I should of stopped, accepted what I was seeing and just prayed. It took me about an hour or so to remember, there is some one bigger than this problem. I prayed that God would handle this situation and I of course believe that He truly will. 
In the mist of that prayer I got reminded of Job 23, which talks about suffering. Why is there suffering? This is God's way of seeing if we are really trusting in God. God gives us hardship sometimes so that we can realize maybe what we are living different now that life is smooth sailing. I'm not focusing on God as much as I use to. I need to trust in Him more. 

God and I will walk side by side, hand in hand through every tough time and every good time! I need to remind myself, I don't only need God when times are rough, I need Him when times are great! To thank Him and let Him knows how much I appreciate Him and continue to get to know Him more. 
This is a great, rough and enjoyable journey that I pray will only get stronger as the years go on. 

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart.' Proverbs 3:5

OH! Can I just express how extremely excited I am for this weekend! Ahhhhhhhhh, super duper excited. :) :) :)


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