Be The Change
Class has been very boring these past couple of days, especially today being the last day of these classes. As soon as I got into class I was right on my phone, just as I was about to click on Instagram, I remembered. So I went on my Bible app and started looking through the plans they had for devotionals. I stumbled across Lacrae's plan called 'The Overflow Devo'.
This devo talked about the meaning of life and how people go through life without a change. We go through our days the same, each and every day. Be the change of your day. Do things differently.
I just now realized I went through my day differently and I didn't even notice it. Well first off I started my day at class not checking Instagram, but going to my Bible and reading. Also tonight I spent my night a little differently with Kye. We did movie night a little different. It isn't a huge change in life, but that was a step. It made me feel good and the smile on Kye's face during our movie definitely made my heart smile as well.
It's the little things that make our world special. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and doing something different; go for a walk, go to the store and let kye act wild!, blast the music and dance with kye. Little things like this would change my daily routine and change my mood.
Do you see yourself going through life with the same schedule and same complaints? Change a little aspect and see what difference it will make in your day. It changed my night and I am sure it will change your day and hopefully become a habit!
'What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun' Ecclesiastes 1:9
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