Feeling Convicted?
If you are a Christian: you should feel convicted and uncomfortable when you sin.
- When you put your faith in God- you are a completely different "creation
- You are justified- meaning your sins are forgiven and forgotten
- We become His children, He understands, care and loves to bless His children
1 John 3:9-10
"Those who are children of God do not continue to sin, for God's very nature is in them, and because God is their Father, they cannot continue to sin. Here is the clear difference between God's children and the Devil's children: those who do not do what is right or do not love others are not God's children."
Which states that we have salvation.
When you realize what you are doing is wrong, you feel guilty about it. When that feeling of guilt and acknowledging that what you are doing isn't right, you know it's a sin. Non-believers can do anything without feeling convicted because they don't personally have God in their hearts.
Sex outside of marriage, lust, hatred and drunkenness to name a few, might be easy for a non-believer to do. Although I knew God and wanted a relationship with Him, I didn't make it a priority. I made my wants the priority. Practicing sex out of marriage was the top of my list in the past, although I felt guilty every single time I was in the act, I went on. Having a relationship with God wasn't what it is now. That is all that I want now, I can never see myself going back to my old ways because I know it's a sin, I know it is wrong and how distant it can keep me from God. Some might not see it as a sin because they don't personally have that relationship with God. It's how they lived- it's natural to their life style. Where as, if a Christian were to be in a situation where alcohol was involved they may feel guilty for just being in the setting because they know it's a sin. I personally believe drinking is a sin, some might not though.
As a Christian we shouldn't do what might cause a new or really any Christian to fall; but that's a whole other story.
What makes you feel convicted or uncomfortable? I know a couple that make me feel that way. I'm sure everyone has at least one or two or maybe even more. That's fine, at least we know right from wrong and we have God to turn to to help us stay away from them.
Isn't that awesome?! Having such a loving Father who knows we might fall short but He is so willing to pick us up, forgive and forget to help us start over.
When you feel convicted, pray and ask God to continue to change your heart. He loves you and only wants the best for you.
Life is very very short. Today I found out a young guy I use to work with died in his sleep. He was only 26! It's crazy because I'd see him every night. He was always so happy and making work fun. His birthday just past too. When I got the news I couldn't believe it. First thing I thought was 'I use to see him all that time. He's so young.' Especially to jus die in your sleep at such a young age is crazy. I'm still looking for answers as if he was sick or something.
From a supervisor, she said she knows he is in Heaven, which is a little comforting but I haven't talked to him since I was working with him and it didn't seem like his heart was in the right place. I just pray that within those months I talked to him that he changed his life and gave it over to God. He was the sweetest and happiest man I have ever met but that doesn't get you to heaven. What gets you to Heaven is what's in your heart. Only God knows and I can only pray that I will get to see him again one day.
I keep looking at his picture and am still so shock. It's like I don't want to believe that it's true. It just doesn't feel true, he was so young, so loving and so kind.
Make sure you have your life in order. You never know when your last breath will be. Some might have the chance to ask for forgiveness last minute, but some may never have that opportunity! Life is way too short and for my friend he got cut short way too soon.
Rest In Paradise
Robert Bynum
'We grieve when a loved one dies. And while God hurts because we are in mourning, He also rejoices that another one His children has entered His eternal presence. Death is not the end, but a new beginning. Blessed all God's child.'
Young Kim
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