You Reap What You Sow
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:7-8
Galatians itself talks about being good to all. When we see someone falling, we as Christians should set them straight in a gentle way. We don't want to see others struggle in sin and see their lives going in the wrong direction. However, we need to be careful on how we do so, so that we don't find ourselves being tempted in their wrongdoings.
Don't deceive yourself. Don't make yourself out to be some one you aren't. You should judge yourself and make sure you are doing well before you compare yourself to anyone else.
By doing so we should always do good; do the right thing. I have been being nice to a certain some one a lot more. I am trying my best to show God's love but in the same token not push my beliefs on them because I know how they are and that would destroy the some what connection we have. I try my best to shoot a text to them every once in a while in the morning letting them know I'm thinking about them and hoping they have a great day. Just because I don't get a response one day doesn't mean I'm going to stop reaching out and showing God's love. I'm not going to let that discourage me and ruin my faith.
Don't cease at doing the right thing. When it doesn't work or backfires at you, that doesn't mean we can reverse how we live and just start living in revenge. Keep up with your nice behavior and keep showing God's love. As Christians we should always do the right thing. We might be tempted to do the opposite if the reaction is negative and that is when we need to turn to prayer and ask for guidance and patience.
The decisions we make on earth determine our eternity. We reap what we sow. If we continue to do bad and unGodly things we will suffer the consequences. If we practice good behavior and actions always we will reap everlasting eternity.
Our actions today will reflect our tomorrows and eternity. Therefore if we are living as godly people, keep living that way for everlasting life will be yours though Christ.
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