
Showing posts from November, 2012

It's Been Almost A Month...

Since I last wrote on her and let's catch up. Hmm... I honestly can't remember what has happen since the last time I wrote. I know I'm falling more and more in love with my son. He's accomplishing so much, he's becoming such a big boy! I miss him being tiny enough that my arm was bigger than he was. Lately I've been thinking of what I traded to become a mom. And how much better the lifestyle I'm living now is. It's much healthier, happier and all round better. Work is going alright. I think I'm ready to get out of this 'business' though. It just really isn't for me anymore. I wish I had a drive to go to school and become something I really want to be. But honestly I don't know what I have a passion for. To me it seems like my time is some what running out. I know I'm only going to be 20 in a couple months. But I'm also going to have a one year old, still living with my patents and without a stable career. I need some motiva