
Showing posts from December, 2014

Why Can't We Just Do The Things We Are Being Asked To Do?

I think it was up to just now that I realized what I have been doing wrong all this time. I have been telling my self over and over again that I need to fall back into my old routine. I kept talking about changing certain things I do and how I spend my time. I would dwell on reminding my self I need to sit down tonight and take a break. All I was doing was saying things, I wasn't putting them into action. I can remember always hearing my dad saying the phrase 'you need to stop talking about it and just start doing it.' It's so true. We can talk and talk about things that we want to change, but it's not until we just start to do these things, then we see the change we want. It's really as simple as that.  Going over my bible study, I came across Luke 6:46 'But why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?' I claim to have this wonderfully powerful God but I fall short in doing the things that He is asking of

Our Untamable Tongues

Just like in my last post, I talked about how we tend to try and fool others by claiming we are the strong believer we say we are, but the way we act proves other wise. Well, after reading through James 3, James kept right on the same path and continued on teaching us about how we need to watch our words. Our tongue may be one of the smallest parts of the body, yet it is the most powerful. We can hurt some one with just a couple word or even with the tone we use when we use our words. It made me think of the saying, 'Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me.'  I don't know who came up with that saying but they are so wrong. Yes, we should teach ourselves to not let words hurt us, but in reality, some times they can be very powerful and strong.  James tells us it's only those who use their words strongly who are the real mature ones, the ones who are strong in their faith and truly understand the power of their tongue. Our tongues are

Don't Accept Change

My life, since the last time I posted something has been the biggest roller coaster! Constantly on the move and trying to get stuff done. It's just been so crazy and honestly I have been putting a lot of important things on the back burners. When I realized that the things that used to be important aren't so much of a priority in life anymore, I started to accept that things are changing and there was nothing I could do about that. I started to accept change that was for the worst. That's something I can't keep allowing in my life. Some things are really important and need more attention than others.  I was reading through James 1 this afternoon and God did it again by having me read exactly what He knows I need to hear. James talks about going through trials and how to get through them. He tells us what we need to do when we face these problems. Rather than accept the hardship in life, we need to fight through it with God on our side. We should receive the