
Why I Choose to Homeschool

 Choosing to homeschool is a very big responsibility! You are putting your child's education solely in your hands.  I feel where I am in life right now, God has put on my heart to be the best mother I can to my children. I have three boys and God has given me the responsibility to nurture them and love them while bringing them up in Christ. My cousin said it best when I was getting ready to homeschool the first time around, "God gave you these children, so He will fully equip you to homeschool them."  I think this was the most encouraging thing anyone had spoken into my life. There must of been some kind of doubt in me that made this really speak life into this journey I was about to embark on.  I choose to homeschool because I want my children to have a Christian education. With every subject that we are studying this year, there is God. Whether it's memory verses, hymns or stories from the Bible. God is there. God is there during Language Arts all the way through ha

One Week Completed

So we did it! That was our first week of school and I think it went very well. Kye is finally getting all situated with all of his subjects. He’s doing an excellent job with his independent work as well as sitting and listening as I am teaching him new things. I was very surprised today when we were finishing up our language arts with The Good and The Beautiful, he was able to tell me his poem that he memorized already! Naturally, Kye would pick the shortest poem to memorize, but he did a very good job memorizing and saying the poem to me. Right now the only new thing I feel like Kye is learning is his language arts. That is just because with the math we are still in a review unit. So within the next week or so, math will begin new lessons and we will be learning new math skills for the third grade. So altogether Kye is doing an excellent job. I honestly feel like most of this week was adjusting the little ones to a good schedule were they were learning but also playing independently

Day Two of Homeschooling

Woah!  Today was a day! Like hot and cold these past two days. My middle woke up early again! I’m not sure what’s going on with him but he will wake up at 5:50-6:00 and struggle to fall back to sleep and then it throughs off his whole day.    Then we woke up to the roofers coming to work replace the roof so I thought I could put Luke down for an early nap but who was I kidding! My youngest, Jack slept the latest so we were able to start school early. I switch the order of our schedule this morning so that Kye was able to do some individual work on his own while I was introducing new things to Luke. Luke was just not in the mood to do anything this morning. Everything I put in front of him or told him he had to do, it was just a whining fest.  Eventually, I just sent Luke and Jack in the play room to play independently while I tried to finish up work with Kye. As soon as we got to The Good and The Beautiful language arts section, that’s when he kind of broke down. Kye is not the one who

Day One of Homeschooling

  We did it!  Our first day of homeschool is complete. I woke up early and made the kiddos French toast and cut up some fruit. Excuse me, Luke cut you some fruit as you can see in our new vlog post! Luke woke up at 6 and I tried to get him back to sleep but that was clearly a fail as he left the room ten minutes after I did. We ate breakfast and Jack was still asleep. I thought for sure he would sleep late and we could start school without him.  😂 He woke up shortly after and then we were all on the same page by then. We took our pictures outside (Jack was not having it). And then our day began!  The kids were so excited to see their little gifts and the homeschool area all set up. We started our morning with a read aloud. We read Ten Apples up on Top since our topic is apples this quarter. The kids all got a composition book that we will use for the morning read alouds. They can draw or write whatever comes to mind as I read to them. It was cute to see what they all thought of to dra

Homeschool Year 2020-2021

It's the night before Homeschool,  When all through the house; Not a child was stirring, not even a mouse, The notebooks were laid out by the school table with care; In hope that children will be there soon! I am so excited about this school year! I am excited because all three of my kiddos can be involved this year. When I homeschooled two years ago I had a 7 month old and an almost 2 year old. Nonetheless, it was a rough year. I did not feel much accomplished by the end of the year. Last night, I was thinking about our last homeschool year and I was thinking about how I went into the year, with a doubt that I may put my son back into the private school he went to his previous year. I bought the same curriculum the school was using 'just in case we went back'. I just set myself up for failure now that I think about it. I am looking forward to this year and many more years of homeschool with my children. I want to dedicate my life to teaching my children and bringing them u

Never Stop Praying

Sunday's Sermon came form Matthew 15:21-28. There is a Canaanite women asking Jesus to help her daughter who has been demon-possessed. This woman first asked Jesus for help and gets no answer from Him. Even His disciples suggest they send her away because she keeps crying after them. Then Jesus answers her with this, "It it not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." With this the woman replies, Yes, Lord. But even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Then Jesus sees the woman faith and answers her cry to heal her daughter. What can be learned from this passage? A woman was asking Jesus for help and did she get exactly what she wanted at first? Silence? That's exactly what she didn't want. So she humbled herself and knelt down before Jesus and ask again. Then Jesus sees her faith and answers her prayer. I don't believe this is a passage explaining that if we constantly ask and humble ourselves

Who Are We?

I listened to a sermon on the 4th and I have been trying to put all my thoughts together to write a post about it because it was so meaningful for me. It helped me realize a lot about myself and my faith. I am still trying to get all my ducks in a row for that post but I just wanted to give a little bit of encouragement. It seems like most sermons preached lately are about this craziness but out of that craziness there is a lot to learn! In Exodus 13-16 we read about how Pharaoh finally let the Israelites out of Egypt. All the Isrealites wanted was to be let go and what was one of the first things they did when they got out of Egypt? They complained. They started complaining about how they 'missed' things from Egypt.  Exodus 16:3 says   The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the  Lord ’s hand in Egypt!  There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food  we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.”