Who Are We?

I listened to a sermon on the 4th and I have been trying to put all my thoughts together to write a post about it because it was so meaningful for me. It helped me realize a lot about myself and my faith. I am still trying to get all my ducks in a row for that post but I just wanted to give a little bit of encouragement.
It seems like most sermons preached lately are about this craziness but out of that craziness there is a lot to learn!

In Exodus 13-16 we read about how Pharaoh finally let the Israelites out of Egypt. All the Isrealites wanted was to be let go and what was one of the first things they did when they got out of Egypt? They complained. They started complaining about how they 'missed' things from Egypt. 

Exodus 16:3 says  The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.”

I don't think it was so much about the food, I believe after reading this that it had to do something about things being different. The Israelites had gotten used to a way of living in Egypt that when they met something a little different it threw them off. Where is the gratitude in that? They got what they asked for, yet they complain.

This made me think instantly about my life. I prayed and prayed for something for years and once I got it, I complained. I prayed for God to fix what He gave me. He answered my prayer and I still wasn't satisfied. But then this could take me down a whole other road (that I would like to include altogether in another post).

Have you caught yourself complaining or feeling dissatisfied about a prayer that was answered?
Who said it was ever about us?
Why do we feel obligated to be fully satisfied with our life here on earth?
Who put us on such a high pedestal?

Really though. Think about it. Our life prayer should be that God uses us according to His will. If we are to serve Him, our lives are not going to be comfortable. We should be putting ourselves in such a place that we completely uncomfortable. Why would we need God if we were content and comfortable with life. That just means we are not surrendering all of ourself to God.

Even if our prayers are answered and we feel like we a dissatisfied, maybe that just means there is still room for you to lean on God and depend on Him. This is how it should always be. We always need to fully rely on God.

No matter how our answered prayers come to us, in the end we still glorify God with our life.

I am praying every day that God would use me to glorify Him. To put my feelings aside and focus on my faith. So that my life is showing God's love to others.


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