
Showing posts from November, 2013

God Works All Things Together For Good

Isn't it amazing having a prayer answered? Isn't it even better being apart of that answered prayer? Today I had the opportunity to see one of my prayers being in the process of being answered. Although I know God is going to do so much more, it's just exciting to see the start. Tonight I got invited to a church service and I was really excited to go. I decided to invite a new friend of mine who I knew was very excited in her newly found walk with God. She was excited to go and so she took up on the offer. They had a praise and worship then a message.  The message focused on our life and how God has such great plans for our life, even though we might not understand why we are in the situation we are in now. Even though things might seem tough for us right now, God is in the process of making something great happen. 'We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose.' Romans 8:28

Always Be Joyful

It's funny, I was going to write a post a couple night ago relating to how I see people let negativity take over their life and how the littlest things set them off in anger. Well a devo I've read related to that. 'So joy and thankfulness is a choice. It's actually our choice.' I love this! Life gives us so many difficulties, but in reality who is in control when this happens? I watched a video yesterday. It was about how we spend our life. After work, school, falling in love, driving, etc, we have almost 2,700 days left. What will we do those extra 2,700 days? If we spend those days being angry, because some one cuts you off on the road or because you got taken advantage of; is it really worth it? It's seems like for me I can't escape angry people; no one can if you go out in public! But I'm fortunate enough to be around anger at home too! I am so happy that God has blessed me with the ability to being able to distinguish what is righ

I Want More of You

We are such a worldly people, if you really think about it. All we want is the next best thing, whether it's a new place to live, a car, an electronic, or clothes. We always seem to want more of the materialistic things. I find myself wanting a lot as well! What we should really be wanting is more of God. Forget all the things of the world that only lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction, let's start looking to The One who will give us everlasting love. Ecclesiastes 12 list all of the worldly things that will soon past and come to an end, when in reality it's Christ who has no end. I want more of God. Every night I pray for a stronger relationship with God. It starts with me trying to get there though. Prayer will help, along with my part of pushing myself to get to where I want to be in Christ.  Let's want more of God and stop wanting so much of this world. This world won't give us half of the gratitude that Christ will. So let's get closer to The

Isn't So Easy

This is something I really don't like to express a lot but it has been heavy on my heart lately. With the holiday season approaching, it's kind of tough on me.  Back in July I made a decision. I made a decision to save all I could over a 3 week period to last me over 9 months. It sounds crazy but I was making over $1600 a month and that was more than enough to provide for my son and myself. So adding what I was able to, to what I already had saved was more than enough to last me 9 months. Before I made the decision to resign from this job and start school I first looked for advice. A close friend of mine told me, 'It's better to be broke now, for these couple of months and get my career on the road, than to overwork myself now working a job I don't know will be permanent.' She also added that 'It's better to be broke and be able to spend all the time now with my son, while he is young, rather than working a job that has me over tired and alway

Romans 6

Being a Slave To Sin Sin was everything- I would always reside to it It controlled me- I felt no remorse when committing sin What was the purpose of my sin? What have I gotten out of those sin? 'The wages that sin pays are death, but God's gift is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.' Romans 6:23 Well I can admit to my sin now that I know it was wrong and I will not go back to those sin.  Pre-martial sex led to a broken family; something I always told myself would never be a situation I would be in. But really? I was laying down with a boy who I knew would never be able to put anyone before himself. I was laying down with a person who did not love God; I must of not loved God if I was in the act of this sin.  Lying led me to parents who lost trust in me because I would say I was doing one thing yet doing something different. Then their pregnant daughter came home after saying I wasn't having sex. They lost trust in me and I had to regain that trus

Be The Change

Class has been very boring these past couple of days, especially today being the last day of these classes. As soon as I got into class I was right on my phone, just as I was about to click on Instagram, I remembered. So I went on my Bible app and started looking through the plans they had for devotionals. I stumbled across Lacrae's plan called 'The Overflow Devo'.  This devo talked about the meaning of life and how people go through life without a change. We go through our days the same, each and every day. Be the change of your day. Do things differently.  I just now realized I went through my day differently and I didn't even notice it. Well first off I started my day at class not checking Instagram, but going to my Bible and reading. Also tonight I spent my night a little differently with Kye. We did movie night a little different. It isn't a huge change in life, but that was a step. It made me feel good and the smile on Kye's face during our mo

'Is Your Faith Getting Too Comfortable?'

While browsing on the dreadful Facebook, I scrolled across an article some one shared and it was entitled, 'Is Your Faith Getting Too Comfortable?' I could easily answer, yes. I talked to a friend for a couple minutes last night and he asked how my relationship with God has been going, and I answered 'It's not what it used to be.'  I know what I need to change for it to be what I want it to; that's my greatest struggle. I try to start every morning off by still listening to Greg Laurie's sermons which does help to motivate me for the day, I just wish I was reading like I was. When I get bored in class, I find myself going on my phone to Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or randomly checking my e-mails. A couple days ago Greg Laurie had a sermon and talked about, what if we treat our Bible like we treat our phones. Carrying them around all the time, always checking them and even turning back around when you left it at home. We treat our phones like they

Feeling Convicted?

If you are a Christian: you should feel convicted and uncomfortable when you sin. When you put your faith in God- you are a completely different "creation You are justified- meaning your sins are forgiven and forgotten We become His children, He understands, care and loves to bless His children 1 John 3:9-10 "Those who are children of God do not continue to sin, for God's very nature is in them, and because God is their Father, they cannot continue to sin. Here is the clear difference between God's children and the Devil's children: those who do not do what is right or do not love others are not God's children." Which states that we have salvation.  When you realize what you are doing is wrong, you feel guilty about it. When that feeling of guilt and acknowledging that what you are doing isn't right, you know it's a sin. Non-believers can do anything without feeling convicted because they don't person