'Is Your Faith Getting Too Comfortable?'

While browsing on the dreadful Facebook, I scrolled across an article some one shared and it was entitled, 'Is Your Faith Getting Too Comfortable?' I could easily answer, yes. I talked to a friend for a couple minutes last night and he asked how my relationship with God has been going, and I answered 'It's not what it used to be.' 
I know what I need to change for it to be what I want it to; that's my greatest struggle. I try to start every morning off by still listening to Greg Laurie's sermons which does help to motivate me for the day, I just wish I was reading like I was. When I get bored in class, I find myself going on my phone to Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or randomly checking my e-mails. A couple days ago Greg Laurie had a sermon and talked about, what if we treat our Bible like we treat our phones. Carrying them around all the time, always checking them and even turning back around when you left it at home. We treat our phones like they are our lives. When in reality we need to be treating our Bibles like that. That is our source to life yet we leave it behind sometimes. I feel that when I get those bored moments in class I should just open the Bible app on my phone and start to read, anything. 
I want to learn so much more about the Bible, I just make so many excuses when it comes to understanding the Word. It's tough for me to read passages that have 'big words' of words that I'm not familiar with. I started reading the Common English Bible which puts the Bible into much, much easier terms. It helps me to understand more but sometimes I do still struggle. My relationship with God is still here, it always will be but it isn't what I want it to be. 
Lately I have been focusing on the negatives in life; I want to move out, I want to be with some one and I need money, and all that is doing for me is pushing my relationship with God further away. I always find myself thanking God in those situations though, thanking Him for what I have and for what is in the future. 
Reading definitely is something I need to prioritize more. I need to start making it a habit again and then I will start to see my relationship with God getting back to what it was and where it needs to be. 
I have to start somewhere, I need changes in my life and it starts with me. I need to put more effort into it. 

Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' -John 14:6


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