
Showing posts from October, 2015

Repaying Evil with Love

Wow! It's been almost a year and so much has happened in my life! I fell off this wagon of writing every night or so but I was inspired to do this! I need to, it keeps me grounded and on the right path.  So here I go again! This morning on my way home I turned on my daily devotion and there were two places in The Bible that were the focal point: 1 Peter 3 and Ephesian. God pointed me when I got home to read the rest of 1 Peter 3 and I'm sure glad I did.  I have been in a battle with myself for a while on where the line is drawn between being taken advantage of and being a Christian who loves. For the past year or so I feel like I have been so loving, caring and compassionate to people who really don't deserve it in my eyes but being the Christian I am, I know that I am suppose to show love no matter what.  In 1 Peter 3 starting at verse 8 Peter starts talking on the topic of 'Suffering For Doing Good.'  As a believer of Christ I am to be like mi