
Showing posts from September, 2013

Philippians 2:14-15

'Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may be innocent and pure as God's perfect children, who live in a world of corrupt and sinful people. You must shine among them like stars lighting up the sky.' Philippians 2:14, 15         This is a verse I came around to and bookmarked on my Bible App back in January of last year. During that time this really stood out to me because I was in a situation where I was getting a lot of complaining as feedback from some one else. I used this verse as a, I wouldn't say example, but reference to go back to when I would feel like I had enough with people. It's also a verse I think of when I find myself complaining about simple things in life.         I have come to a conclusion a long time ago that complaining will get me no where! It will do nothing for my future and nothing for my past. It's a worthless gesture.         What do I have to complain about when I have the most perfect Father who is savin

Harvest America

Alright, so, best night in a long time! It's so amazing to see so many believer come together for one purpose; to praise and worship God. Instantly, when The Katina's started playing their first song, tears came to my eyes. Just being in that atmosphere, I was so filled with joy!  Lacrae also performed. I don't really know any of his songs but it's great how there are so many different genres that can help different people come to God. Looking at Lacrae and hearing him rap, if you don't listen to his words you would think he was just rapping about nonsense. As they put up the lyrics to his song and actually read them, he could draw so many people in and then they would understand and take in what he is really talking about.  NEEDTOBREATHE came out and sang as well. I don't know many of their songs but one they played I absolutely loved. Again, it's so great to be able to worship God with hundreds and thousands of people! Ah it&#

We Can't See Air... Hebrews 11

But we believe it's there, right? How true is that saying?! Just like faith, we can't physically see God, but we believe in Him!        'To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for,  to be certain of the things we cannot see.' Hebrews 11:1 Having faith is to believe, in a way that we understand what we are believing in and why we believe in it.  Why do we believe in it?  Because The Bible tells us to? Or because other people tell us to? I believe because I have seen with my own two eyes the work of God. So have you! Do you believe in miracles or perfection? If not, go outside in your backyard, pluck a piece of grass and I dare you to give that piece of grass to any scientist and tell him to make that same piece of grass without using any of its pieces. You could never do that. Why? This earth didn't just come to be. THE BIG BANG!  'It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God's word, so that


        Every now and then I struggle with feeling very lonely. During my pregnancy when things started not turning out the way I wished they would for my son, I always told myself, 'This loneliness will go away when my son gets here because he will always need me.' Yes, this is true that he will always need me, until he gets of age to make his own decisions, but the loneliness part going away, not so much. I absolutely love the feeling of having a child of my own; him always wanting to be next to me, hugging me and kissing me, calling 'Maaa!' if I happen to walk two feet away from him! However, it still gets lonely. It gets really lonely when Kye is constantly whining, crying or he just seems so cranky. It gets lonely because it's so much on me! I'm only one person. Some times I know exactly what he wants and needs but some times it's just constant and everything I do doesn't seem to 'make him feel better.' That's when I feel like if I

1 John 4

We love because God first loved us. 1 John 4:19 God has really been working with me on loving people more. Getting the thought of 'enemies' out of my mind. I'm understanding more that 'God is love', so us as Christians should always show love as well.  Everyone who loves, knows God; those who don't love, don't know God. God shows his perfect love through Him sending His only Son to die for you and me. However, God is the only one who can show you perfect love, it's made perfect for us. In a sense, we can be so deeply in love with our spouse or significant other and feel like that love is so great. So imagine what God's love for us is like. It's so much greater than we could ever imagine. If we have God in us, we will definitely be able to show others a greater love. God lives in us through His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is described throughout the whole bible. I pulled one out of 1 Corinthians 2 (10-14). 

Job 23

Have you heard the song 'Your Love Never Fails'? Well it pretty much talks about through everything, good and bad, 'Your Love Never Fails'. The bridge of the songs says ' You make, all things, work together for my good.'  I am absolutely in love with the fact that God has a plan for each and every one of us! It's some time hard for people to believe that when we see no ending to our suffering or hardship. God sees where we will end up and knows how we will get there. If we trust in Him that He has a great plan for us, we just need to follow Him and He will guide us along the way.  I came across Job 23 which talks about hardship and suffering through getting were we want to get.  Most people say the Bible is simple and it is what it says. Well I had a hard time understanding this chapter but I understood what I read and this is what I got out of it   Before reading the whole chapter, I read; ' But God knows me. He is testing me and wi

Proverbs 3

I've never been good with memorizing scripture, that's something I definitely need to focus on more. I started reading this chapter and finally came across verse 5 and 6.  ' Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.' Yes I could say those verses to some one, however ask me where in the bible it comes from, I couldn't tell you. I'll definitely remember it now though. Proverbs 3:5-6.  Proverbs 3:5-6.  Proverbs 3:5-6.   :)  'Trust in The Lord with all you heart.' I have learned that this is the most important part when it comes to building a relationship with God. You have to trust him, fully. Not a 80/20 but 100% of the time. I had a hard time trusting God completely when it came to my son. The reason why is because I saw it as my son is right here in front of me. I can protect him from what I know can caus

Romans 12

My Dad sends me the verse of the day from the Bible App every morning and the past two days' verses really stood out to me. Today's verse came from Romans 12:2 which states:  ' Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.' Just about everyone living on this Earth can relate to that verse, believer or non-believer. Everyone wants what the next person has or dress better than that lady you saw at the mall. I'm going to admit, I think that way a lot . I feel like that outfit I pinned on Pinterest, if I were to go buy that outfit, I'd look so much more prettier. Yes, maybe, but prettier to who? Me or the person looking at me. I feel beautiful wearing sweats because I know who I am on the inside. I have Jesus and that's all that matters.  It shouldn't matter what others think of you. I struggled so m


Prayer has been the most helpful resource over the past 2 years of my life. I have become so blessed to be put in certain situations even when I didn't appreciate what was going on in my life. Through cloudy and dark days, God was working on a masterpiece . Prayer has taught me how to trust, love and understand, even if that means understanding that I don't need to understand completely. These three aspects have pretty much been my main focus this past year. I have started to trust God with everything! Being able to talk to some one and get answers through actions (sometimes with out words) has been a key for me. I think I needed to stop hearing words like 'Don't worry about it' 'Just leave it alone' or 'Stop trying to control what isn't in your hands'. Rather being able to see God's answers through work has helped me trust more and more. I'm seeing living proof of God's work. Experiencing a new way of parenting. Experiencing

Looking Bright!

I've been in school for about 2 months now and things are going great! I'm maintaining a 4.0 gpa (which is a huge deal for me). I'm completely understanding what I'm learning and feel so confident about the future.  I have such big plans for my future. I'm excited to feel the want and urge to be able to start my career and move into my own place with Kye. Just being able to actually start my life feels great.  I'm praying my extern goes well and they are willing to hire me, I'll be able to work a good amount of time and get experience and save up! I plan on moving out on my own and begin our new life out of my parent's house.  Things are looking bright and I know I can do this. I have a lot of determination in me and I won't let anything get in the way of my success.  I'm ready for whatever God places on my path.