Proverbs 3

I've never been good with memorizing scripture, that's something I definitely need to focus on more. I started reading this chapter and finally came across verse 5 and 6. 

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.'

Yes I could say those verses to some one, however ask me where in the bible it comes from, I couldn't tell you. I'll definitely remember it now though. Proverbs 3:5-6. 
Proverbs 3:5-6. 
Proverbs 3:5-6.

'Trust in The Lord with all you heart.'
I have learned that this is the most important part when it comes to building a relationship with God. You have to trust him, fully. Not a 80/20 but 100% of the time. I had a hard time trusting God completely when it came to my son. The reason why is because I saw it as my son is right here in front of me. I can protect him from what I know can cause him harm. The part I was struggling with was when I am away from him; working or in class. I would constantly worry. Which meant I wasn't trusting in God! It took me a long while to get to this point I'm at now where I trust God. I can talk to Him when I feel like I'm worrying and I know He will watch over my son. That's His child as much as it's mine, right? I'm so happy I finally understand and feel how much of a weight is off of my shoulder now that I trust God 100%. Of course it's always a working progress, but I see myself making my way above the top! 

'Lean not on your own understanding.' 
Just like my last post, this is an important aspect in being a Christian. Understanding God is in control and to step back and watch him work. Stop trying to control every situation. It's so easy to try and keep some one from leaving by talking or crying to them or holding them. But ultimately, they are their own person and they will do what they want to. All you can do is pray about the situation and let God continue to steer the way. 
Understand God is in control, even if sometimes you don't fully understand what is happening. Everything you want to happen might take time. Understanding God has a plan will ease your mind. He knows what He is doing! Trust me! 

'In all your ways submit to Him.'
Put all your trust, love and life into Him! 

'And He will make your path straight' 
The only thing I can translate from that last part of verse 6 will relate to your life plan. We know what we would like to do and become. We might make that happen, with the help of God's work. However, God has control over that. If we submit (commit ourselves) to Him, He won't dissappoint. Even if we don't understand what He is doing just yet, or why He is placing a certain 'problem' in front of you; it's all for a reason. 

Ever hear the saying, 'God gives the hardest problems to the toughest people'? I believe that's true. I believe God will throw you curve balls here and there to see if you are really trusting in Him. If you trust in Him you won't try to comprehend what's happening in the worse way. You will understand this is God setting you on the right path. 

When I found out I was pregnant I instantly told myself I need to straighten my life and build a better relationship with God. After praying and praying for his guidance to building this relationship, I was put in bad situations. I will admit, I fell off the track and questioned God, because I was trying to do what I thought was right. Eventually, when I fully committed to Him and let Him in complete control, He, again, placed me on the right path. 
Now I'm not stepping in front of him anymore. I know he's leading me to something GREAT! With only time and patience, I will get to that place. 
Because God is good and plus He knows everything. 
Don't question God! Let him challenge you! 


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