
Showing posts from October, 2013

From What We Are Given What Will We Do.

We were all given the same thing! Life from God. With that life what will we do with it.  When I found out I was pregnant I realized what my life purpose was. God made me to be a mother. True, God has blessed me with a child that I need to care for, but is that what I was placed on this earth to do.  Are we not placed on this earth to know God and make Him known. How far will we go to make sure we do everything in our power to make God known? There will come the day when we will enter Heaven and God will judge us on if we made Him known.  I feel like I was blessed to have on my heart to blog and spread God's word. I will never know how many people read this or learn from what I talk about. All I know is that I am spreading God word and I am doing to my best ability to make Him known. I found myself answering a couple questions from a classmate about where in the Bible to find certain teachings on the end of time. Feeling so blessed that I was able to help some one el

Silly Butterflies...

To My Future: I can not wait for the day I meet you. I hope it's one of those moments when I first see you, I'll just know  that you're the one. I find myself some times just daydreaming about what our life will be like. The days we will spend together and the things we will do. What I'm so excited for is when we will be a family. That's what I've always wanted in life, was to be and have a family. A big one too!  God is putting all the pieces together and I'm sitting here patiently waiting for that day to come. Sometimes I get anxious because I know it's going to be so exciting and new but I know I can not rush the process.  We will make memories and traditions for our family for special holidays and just the weekends. Father's Day and Mother's Day will fill my heart with excitement. I want to make you feel so special because you will be the greatest Dad in the world! I'm so happy I'll be given the best Father I can for m

Pouring It All Out

I am so blessed.  More and more I am realizing how happy I am that certain things did not work out for my liking (at the moment). A piece of my past was brought up a couple days ago which helped me see what I could of had. I tried so had to make life go the way I  wanted it to go. Once it came to my knowledge that God is in control and He knows what is best for my life, I finally stepped back and just gave everything over to Him. Every time I had the urge for my past and wanted to bring back what we use to have, I always thought of the good. That's common though, we don't really like to dwell on the bad aspects of life, so we try to overrule the bad with the good. Well, I definitely struggled with missing the good in everything. In trying to get my past back I focused on all of the good. Lately, I have been able to see that it isn't just the good I would of gotten. I would of gotten that worse as well! I would of gotten the selfishness, lying and rude remarks. 


How will the AntiChrist be seen? Us, Christians have the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit. In the same sense the AntiChrist will be the exact opposite. Satan as the father (God), the AntiChrist as the son (Jesus Christ), and lastly the False Prophet as the Holy Spirit. That is just an example of how our trinity will be similar to Satan's. Pastor Greg Laurie describes the AntiChrist as 'Satan's son' on earth. Imagine Hitler, but controlling the whole world!  The AntiChrist will be seen as a man of peace. Some one who will be trying to get everyone together. Making one currency (New World Order). You will be forced to wear the symbol of the beast, Pastor Greg Laurie explains those tracking microchips, cell phones and GPS's as a symbol.  Pastor Greg Laurie talks about why America isn't mentioned in the end times. Maybe there will be a nuclear attack against us or maybe it's because most of America's population will be raptured since we will

Pumpkin Picking

Today we went to the pumpkin patch! A little farm down the street from me. Mommy and Kye walked around the hay maze while we waited for his dad and Rachael. This would be the first outing with Rachael. It went very well! I can really tell how much Kye likes her and being altogether.  This is such a big chapter to my life as well as Kye's. I am forever grateful God has opened my heart to letting Rachael in and accepting her. We are growing such a wonderful friendship. It took a while but I'm happy at were I stand now with accepting life as it is.  All that matters is the smile that is always on Kye's face!! 

1 Thessalonians 5

1 Thessalonians 5:6-8 Will be the focus point of this post.  As soon as I heard what Pastor Greg Laurie was teaching on yesterday, I quickly past over and didn't listen to his sermon. He was teaching on 'The End Times'. I love learning about this topic and what awaits us after but yesterday it just didn't appeal to me; I can't explain why either. Although this morning I decided to listen to his part 2 and I'm so happy I did.  Pastor Greg Laurie broke it down into three points.  Number 1 comes from  So then, let’s not sleep like the others, but let’s stay awake and stay sober.  1 Thessalonians 5:6 We as Christians should be excited for Christ's return. We should be already prepared for this day as it can come at any moment.  Number 2 belongs from the first half of verse 8  'Since we belong to the day, let’s stay sober' What does it mean to stay 'sober'? We should always have a clear

Job 27

Just like in Job 1-2 it shows that Job never lost his faith in God; well so does this chapter. After all of his friends cursed Job and put him down saying he deserved what he recieved, Job continued to keep his faith and never spoke negatively.  He always kept his intergrity (trustworthiness, morality, decency, honesty, truthfulness). I use all of those synonyms because it gives more meaning to how Job continued to react to these horrible situations he was put in.  Job stated, and I'm paraphrasing 'As long as I live with Christ in me, I will never speak wickedly - I will stay innocent.' No matter what happens negatively in our lives, we shouldn't lose our faith.  We shouldn't pray against but for our enemies.  Remember that girl who gave you a nasty look or that car that cut you off on your way to work? How we react to that shows who we are. Are we showing God's love or revenge and attack? It comes easy to me that if some on

I Am Happy

Tonight I found myself answering Mr. Grouper from Bubble Guppies extra loud in my living room, by myself! I also sang and danced in the shower and as I got out. (TMI) I passed wind in front of my father and son and afterwards thought, 'I should of said excuse me and set an example for my son.' Even though he didn't even notice! Haha! Today I took so many pictures of Kye as I'm learning more and more about my camera.  I am happy. This weekend gave me more than enough moments to give up and just be mad for the rest of the weekend. We were potty training! The most frustrating thing in the world. Every time I caught myself getting a little mad, I stopped and prayed. I prayed for patience and understanding and that Kye would get a hang of this new obstacle I'm forcing into his life. I can understand how completely aggravating that can be.  Half way through the first day I was so ready to just put a diaper on him and call it a day. I'm so happy I stu

Job 2

Y esterday Pastor Greg Laurie preached in his first part of this sermon series on why God allows suffering. Today we took the next step up and talked about how react when some one is suffering. I recommend you to listen to his sermon and/on read his outlines on his website or on the radio. He goes so into detail about what he talks about and I just try to sum out what I got out of his messages.  After listening to his sermon today, I just wanted to continue reading through Job and focus on chapter 2. He goes a little more within though.  In chapter two Satan was determined to get Job to curse God. He tempt God by saying if you give me Job's health I'm sure that he will curse you. God's reply was: "There he is—within your power; only preserve his life." Job 2:6 Why was God so willing to give Job over to Satan? It's obvious that Job didn't think twice about cursing God when he took away his children. God allows this to grab our atten

Job 1

Today's message from Greg Laurie continued to focus on suffering and why is there suffering?  He taught his whole sermon on Job 1. Job had everything and Satan took it all away, however, Job continued to praise God.  Everyone has been, is going through or is just getting out of a great deal of suffering; even Christians! We need to be prepared and know how we will react.  Whatever comes in our life either comes from God directly or is allowed by Him.  In the story of Job, Satan had to get the say from God (authority). Nothing can happen to us without God allowing it. God says to Satan, "Look, all he has is within your power; only don't stretch out your hand against him" (Do not harm him).  Why did God give Job over to Satan? Why does God allow suffering? As I wrote in my previous blog post, one of the points on "Why is there suffering" was - it shows that we honor God. Are we going to blame God for our suffering or a

We Are Planters

Are we planting a seed of sin? Galatians 5:19-24 In these verses it explains about 13 different sins, just to name a few that will result in us not inheriting the kingdom of God.  I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:21 NIV) Sexual impurity is the one I'm going to focus on though. It's something our society is so obsessed with. Everywhere you look or everything you hear in some way relates to sex. So how should we, as followers of Christ avoid those temptations living in this secular world.  This was something I struggled with for a couple of years. Although I always went to church as a child and grew up in the church, it was a struggle. I went to school where that was all people talked about. It was like if you weren't doing it you weren't 'cool'. I wouldn't say I was tempted but I just fell into it on my own.  I planted the seed of sin (sexuall

A Completely Different Viewpoint

Today was really good. Things seem a lot more comfortable and smooth! Which is a very very good thing. It makes me feel a lot better being more open and accepting.  I always had a feeling this situation was going to come up sooner than later. However, I didn't imagine me reacting the way I am. I thought I was going to have a lot of anger and thought of failure for him. But I'm very excited for him. I can't explain why I am though. I guess a part of me is always going to love him as a person; that's why I'm happy for him. I always wanted him to be happy and I can definitely see that he has found that.  Although things are not how I wanted them to turn out for my 'family', I'm excited to see what the future holds. I don't want to push, rush or make things seem like more than what they really are but I can see a friendship reforming. This can be something very crucial for the beginning to my future because it can either make our future much brig

You Reap What You Sow

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:7-8 Galatians itself talks about being good to all. When we see someone falling, we as Christians should set them straight in a gentle way. We don't want to see others struggle in sin and see their lives going in the wrong direction. However, we need to be careful on how we do so, so that we don't find ourselves being tempted in their wrongdoings.  Don't deceive yourself. Don't make yourself out to be some one you aren't. You should judge yourself and make sure you are doing well before you compare yourself to anyone else.  By doing so we should always do good; do the right thing. I have been being nice to a certain some one a lot more. I am trying my best to show God's love but in the same token

Changed Christian

Today in class we did an exercise that showed what kind of person we are; social, enterprise, realistic, etc. While I was going through and circling the adjectives that best described me I realized which ones I would of circled a year ago. This showed me how much I have changed in just one short year.  As soon as I found out I was pregnant I instantly knew I had to change the way I was living. I was trying to live a Godly life but I was also trying to satisfy some one I loved.  Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NIV) I definitely f

Becoming a Stronger Christian

I realized last night that I could look up Greg Laurie's sermons too on iTunes after I already downloaded Charles Stanley's. I am so happy I found him on there. I listened to his message this morning on my way to class and it was just the message I needed to hear. Once I got to class on my breaks I went to the computer lab to do some research and see if I could find Greg Laurie's website and lo and behold I was able to actually find summaries of his sermons as well. I printed it out and started reading over it and adding to my notes from the morning ride. Greg Laurie is doing a series on Secrets of Spiritual Growth.  Through out this first part of his sermons series, I focused on "What makes someone a strong Christian?" All of this refers to Psalm 18:7-11 and he broke the sermon apart into 5 points.  What makes someone a strong Christian and how do they become one? Well it is pretty much our desire to become a strong Chri

Ladies' Retreat 2013

A year ago this experience wasn't as great as it was this time around. I had a tiny 6 month old who was in a walker & crying the whole weekend. This year I have a big boy who loved every second of this weekend!  We met some of the ladies at Olive Garden for lunch before all the preparation began. We had a good time talking about how great this weekend would go. When we got to Harvey Cedars we went around to each room and prayer for each lady that would be staying for the weekend, that they would be touched by the Word and leave as a changed woman. After we got done setting everything up we had some free time so Kye and Mommy went outside by the water and played and got all dirty!  The ladies started to arrive around 5 and the first session was around 8. We did praise and worship and then I was in charge of the ice breaker. We played 'Find Someone Who' which turned out to be a hit. Everyone interacted and was able to be so s

In Prayer

Do you want to grow spiritually?  Of course we do! I do!  Pastor Greg Laurie goes more into depth of prayer while studying The Lord's Prayer in Luke 11.  The basic things are the main things we need to focus on. Stating the most important things are the simplest things. Prayer is communicating and listening to God. In Luke 11 the disciples are asking Jesus to teach them how to pray. Jesus then began ' The Lord's Prayer '.  And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Luke 11:2 We must pray according to the will of God. We need to ask God to give us the plan for our life. His will for us will be done on this earth, only if we ask.  And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. Luke 11:4 We need to confess our sins, even if we don't believe we have do