Pouring It All Out

I am so blessed. 

More and more I am realizing how happy I am that certain things did not work out for my liking (at the moment). A piece of my past was brought up a couple days ago which helped me see what I could of had. I tried so had to make life go the way I wanted it to go. Once it came to my knowledge that God is in control and He knows what is best for my life, I finally stepped back and just gave everything over to Him.
Every time I had the urge for my past and wanted to bring back what we use to have, I always thought of the good. That's common though, we don't really like to dwell on the bad aspects of life, so we try to overrule the bad with the good. Well, I definitely struggled with missing the good in everything. In trying to get my past back I focused on all of the good.
Lately, I have been able to see that it isn't just the good I would of gotten. I would of gotten that worse as well! I would of gotten the selfishness, lying and rude remarks. 

God saved me from another heart break. He showed me that He has much better plans for my life and that I just need to put all of my trust in Him and believe that I am worth more than my wants. If I got what I wanted, I guarantee that I would dealing with what I did in the past. Everyone has baggage and I can't make them leave it at the door. In the same sense, I can't change some one who doesn't want to be changed. Don't get me wrong, I believe people can change for the better, but that is only between God and that person. I learned that the hard way. 

God has such a wonderful plan for my life and my son's. After I put everything into God's hands, I have been so much happier and satisfied. Two things I would of never gotten out of getting it my way. 
If you are holding onto something that only you want, try letting it go and not forcing it. Maybe your liking might turn out to be what you really don't need. Believe and trust that God has such great plans for you, because ultimately, He does! He loves you and doesn't want anything but the best for you. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says '"For I know the plans I have for you"' declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"'

God's plans are so much greater than yours. Find it in you to give it all over to God and I promise and so does He, that He will not leave you disappointed. 


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