Job 27

Just like in Job 1-2 it shows that Job never lost his faith in God; well so does this chapter. After all of his friends cursed Job and put him down saying he deserved what he recieved, Job continued to keep his faith and never spoke negatively. 

He always kept his intergrity (trustworthiness, morality, decency, honesty, truthfulness). I use all of those synonyms because it gives more meaning to how Job continued to react to these horrible situations he was put in. 

Job stated, and I'm paraphrasing 'As long as I live with Christ in me, I will never speak wickedly - I will stay innocent.' No matter what happens negatively in our lives, we shouldn't lose our faith. 

We shouldn't pray against but for our enemies. 
Remember that girl who gave you a nasty look or that car that cut you off on your way to work? How we react to that shows who we are. Are we showing God's love or revenge and attack? It comes easy to me that if some one does wrong to me, I don't see it as them doing wrong against me. They are doing wrong against themselves. Their rude behavior didn't hurt me; in the end it's going to hurt them. Therefore, we need to pray for those who 'hurt' or curse us. We need to love them. We should always pray for not against our enemies. Always show God's love in what we do; especially in our reactions. 

Show your enemies you are forgiving so that they will see that He is forgiving first. 


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