Changed Christian

 Christian Jesus Changed Me Used To Be An Atheist And… Fresh New Hd Wallpaper

Today in class we did an exercise that showed what kind of person we are; social, enterprise, realistic, etc. While I was going through and circling the adjectives that best described me I realized which ones I would of circled a year ago. This showed me how much I have changed in just one short year. 

As soon as I found out I was pregnant I instantly knew I had to change the way I was living. I was trying to live a Godly life but I was also trying to satisfy some one I loved. 

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NIV)

I definitely fell into some of those descriptions and I still do. Living in this world it's very hard to not fall. Looking at each of these descriptions, it's more than just the word itself. Like adulterers, that doesn't just mean cheating on your spouse, that can also mean lusting as well; and so forth. The one I struggled with most resulted in me becoming pregnant. I was practicing impurity. Something I told myself I would never do. I wanted to wait until marriage but once I fell into it that's when my faith in God fell as well. It was tough for me to live a different way now but having a son I knew I needed to set a better example, for I don't want him living how I was; I also wanted to live differently.  

Ephesians 4:22-24 talks about learning from your mistakes. We are taught from our past experience but we are leaving those mistake in the past and learning to live a new way. 
It's easy to confuse 'God put me here for a reason.'
I will always remember this from my past. When my uncle got out of prison a while ago I remember he came over to our house and say down with me. I remember him saying, 'God had me go to prison because...' I was young and I just agreed. Said ok. But looking back at that now I understand where my uncle was coming from but I think his mindset way wrong. 
God doesn't have us sin, we must understand we were given free will when Adam chose to eat from the forbidden tree. We have a choice to do whatever we choose. Maybe later down the road we can say if I didn't do one thing I wouldn't be here. 
When I saw myself in that position I thought of this 'Only God can turn an act of sin into a sweet, sweet blessing.' I choose to sin. It wasn't God who had planned for me to sin. God is perfect. He wants the best for us, but then that's where our free will comes in play. I chose to have sex out of wedlock, which resulted in me becoming pregnant. Kye, my son, is the biggest blessing I have ever received. Yes, if I didn't sin I wouldn't have that blessing. 'Only GOD can turn an act of sin' into a blessing. 
Don't think God made you sin, always remember we have free will. 

Which leads to this: Some of the characteristics listed in our workbook today, I would of definitely circled in the past like flirtatious! That was something I absolutely was. I learned where that would get me and I'm leaving that in the past. That was leading me further and further away from Christ. 
In Romans 11:1-2 explains that Christians are changed by changing their mind set. We can't keep thinking the same thing and have an urge to change. We will end up right where we started. We need to change our thought process into a more clean thinking. 

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13 NIV)
With God's help and guidance we will get to where we want to be. God's guidance is the strongest and most promising aspect we will need to change who we are. Through Christ we can make and do anything we want to do. 

While we are trying to change we are going to fall, plenty of times.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16 NIV)
It's great to have a support system to help your growth in God and with your relationship with God. I find it great to have a supportive church but also a group of people I'm getting to know better in the church. I also go to a bible study on Tuesdays and the people in that group help me so much with my walk with faith. Even if you can stick with one person who can take every step with you that will help greatly. I was able to experience that for quite a while. 

From the exercise we did in class I was able to pick out who I was a year ago. But I was also able to notice who I am now that I never thought I would turn out to me. I'm more responsible, dependable, caring and helpful. These are characteristics I was always capable of having but since I allowed God in my life more He has shown me who I can really be. For the better. 
Maybe you have more characteristics that you might not be aware of yet. As you further your relationship with God, He will start to show you more of who you really are. It's so exciting to have new traits revealed that you never noticed before. However, it's also exciting to see how far you have come! 

Therefore, becoming a Christian changes you. It will always change you for the better, forever.


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