Ladies' Retreat 2013

A year ago this experience wasn't as great as it was this time around. I had a tiny 6 month old who was in a walker & crying the whole weekend.
This year I have a big boy who loved every second of this weekend! 

We met some of the ladies at Olive Garden for lunch before all the preparation began. We had a good time talking about how great this weekend would go.

When we got to Harvey Cedars we went around to each room and prayer for each lady that would be staying for the weekend, that they would be touched by the Word and leave as a changed woman. After we got done setting everything up we had some free time so Kye and Mommy went outside by the water and played and got all dirty! 

The ladies started to arrive around 5 and the first session was around 8. We did praise and worship and then I was in charge of the ice breaker. We played 'Find Someone Who' which turned out to be a hit. Everyone interacted and was able to be so silly. 
After the ice breaker we met with our small groups and got to know each other. We talked about what we wanted to get out of this weekend and what we have a passion for. I got to know some ladies more personally. 
At the end of the night we played games. I was in charge of the games for the weekend. I didn't think they were going to be that much fun but everyone loved them! I saw this first game on Ellen, where you can only eat a donut with your mouth, while it's hanging from a string. It was hilarious! The next game we played was Blind Pictionary. Everyone thought it was going to be really hard not being able to see what we were drawing but it actually worked out well. 

Saturday morning we had breakfast, praise and worship and then the message. I missed that message because little man wanted to sleep. 
We had free time from 12-5:30. We took advantage of going outside and throwing rocks in the ocean for about an hour! Then we walked around for a little and got Rita's. 

When we got back we had dinner, worship and service. The message was based on knowing our identity in Christ. The whole process. Maureen got the women up to holding their princess wand and say we are children of God. It was cute but it definitely had a meaning to it. 

We had game time at the end of the night again. We played music chairs with a twist! The first game was Selfie Musical Chairs. Where the camera is put on self timer and flash and you pass the camera around and it will land on some one and take a random selfie. The pictures were priceless!!! (I won't post those pictures because I don't have everyone's permission!) The second game we played was like music chairs called Clothes Bag. There's a bunch of random clothes in a bag and you pass it around until the music stops. Who ever it lands on takes the first thing out of the bag and has to wear it for the rest of the game. Everyone looked so funny. 
Everyone really appreciated the games and I was happy because I didn't think they would turn out so well. 

From this weekend I was able to make new friends in Christ. I was able to learn from the message and just have a time of relaxation. I had no worries or anything to dwell on other than God. Pastor Greg Laurie helped me during this weekend as well because during Kye's naps I was able to study from his sermons a little more! :) 
I definitely look forward to next year's. I just wish the weekend lasted a little longer. I love being in the presence of God with Godly people. It's so exciting and I love it so much! 
We're finally heading home now and I realize I have class tomorrow and I'm back into the world. I just have to remember my identity and focus on my main purpose in life. 
Being a child of God and serving Him. 


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