Why I Choose to Homeschool

 Choosing to homeschool is a very big responsibility! You are putting your child's education solely in your hands. 

I feel where I am in life right now, God has put on my heart to be the best mother I can to my children. I have three boys and God has given me the responsibility to nurture them and love them while bringing them up in Christ. My cousin said it best when I was getting ready to homeschool the first time around, "God gave you these children, so He will fully equip you to homeschool them."  I think this was the most encouraging thing anyone had spoken into my life. There must of been some kind of doubt in me that made this really speak life into this journey I was about to embark on. 

I choose to homeschool because I want my children to have a Christian education. With every subject that we are studying this year, there is God. Whether it's memory verses, hymns or stories from the Bible. God is there. God is there during Language Arts all the way through handwriting. My children will grow up in a Godly environment and be surrounded by those who love God. By my children being surrounded by all these things, I pray it will become a way of life for them. It will become natural! 

I choose to homeschool because I love the freedom we have! We live in New Jersey, so right now we have a lot of freedom when it comes to homeschooling. I like that I will be able to drop all of our work and go for a walk or explore the outdoors when subjects get too hard. I don't want to force my children to sit and try to complete work when their brains are just so overloaded with confusion and frustration. Just getting them outside is literally a breathe of fresh air. Getting outside for a little can change one's entire mood. I also don't want to make a schedule that we HAVE to stick to. I enjoy letting my child take longer to get through a lesson because I know we are working toward him completely understanding what he is learning. I don't want him to feel rushed and then not be able to comprehend the lesson that was taught. 

I choose to homeschool because I am able to be at home with my children. God has provided and blessed our family and I am able to be home. I want to take full advantage of being at home. I want to be there for my children! I am extremely thankful that God has us in this chapter of life that I am able to stay at home with my children. 

Lastly, I choose to homeschool because I just want to be with my children. Does it get any simpler than that? God has called me to be a mom and this is exactly what I always wanted, from since I was a little girl. I always wanted to be a mom. God has blessed me with that as well. So I want to make sure I am with my children! These 18 years we get with our children at home, I heard, goes by in the blink of an eye. I want to make sure I am listening to God and doing His will when it comes to being a mother. 

These are my reasons on why I choose to homeschool. Your's may look completely different and that is ok because we all come from different areas of life. In the end we are all in this together because we all have the same goal in mind: We want to give our children the best education we can!

Why do you choose to homeschool?


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