Day Two of Homeschooling


Today was a day! Like hot and cold these past two days. My middle woke up early again! I’m not sure what’s going on with him but he will wake up at 5:50-6:00 and struggle to fall back to sleep and then it throughs off his whole day.  Then we woke up to the roofers coming to work replace the roof so I thought I could put Luke down for an early nap but who was I kidding! My youngest, Jack slept the latest so we were able to start school early. I switch the order of our schedule this morning so that Kye was able to do some individual work on his own while I was introducing new things to Luke. Luke was just not in the mood to do anything this morning. Everything I put in front of him or told him he had to do, it was just a whining fest. 

Eventually, I just sent Luke and Jack in the play room to play independently while I tried to finish up work with Kye. As soon as we got to The Good and The Beautiful language arts section, that’s when he kind of broke down. Kye is not the one who likes to read out loud so once we had to do the out loud poem reading that kind of tore him apart. He was easily frustrated and wanted nothing to do with finishing his work. 

That’s when I broke out the play dough and told him he had ten minutes to play with that and then we’d have to finish our work. 

I watched a vlog this morning about a morning routine and she referenced how she lets the kids take breaks after every subject. I’m starting to see that that may be a good idea! We will try it out tomorrow! 

Finally, what felt like 10 hours later( it was only 2 hours), we finished our work! We jumped in the car, got mommy a coffee and headed to the pool! That was exactly what we needed, to just be outside and be wild! 

With everyday is a new challenge and a new adjustment I feel like I’ll be making. But that’s the way it should be. Trial and error. We will learn from our experiences. 

Let’s see what tomorrow brings. 



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