Homeschool Year 2020-2021

It's the night before Homeschool, 

When all through the house;

Not a child was stirring, not even a mouse,

The notebooks were laid out by the school table with care;

In hope that children will be there soon!

I am so excited about this school year! I am excited because all three of my kiddos can be involved this year. When I homeschooled two years ago I had a 7 month old and an almost 2 year old. Nonetheless, it was a rough year. I did not feel much accomplished by the end of the year. Last night, I was thinking about our last homeschool year and I was thinking about how I went into the year, with a doubt that I may put my son back into the private school he went to his previous year. I bought the same curriculum the school was using 'just in case we went back'. I just set myself up for failure now that I think about it. I am looking forward to this year and many more years of homeschool with my children. I want to dedicate my life to teaching my children and bringing them up in Christ. That is my long term goal with homeschooling. 

What is my short term goal? My goal for this year of homeschool?

My goal for this year would be to give all my attention into my children's learning. To watch out for what works and what doesn't work. To make adjustments along the way and not stick with something that clearly doesn't work for us. 

Honestly, I do not want to have a schedule in place and that's not how I want to run our school year. I don't want to dictate the way my children will learn. Sure, I have everything I would like to get done in a day but if that isn't all done by the morning time, that's ok!, we can still work through it throughout the day. We will see how it goes. I am happy to be open minded when it comes to this year. 

Why am I starting earlier than schools in the area?

I wanted to start early to give us room to miss some days. If there is something we would like to do as a family one day, we will have room to do that. I also plan to homeschool all year long. Take a few weeks off before we grade up! But in general, I would like to just school all year round. 

What curriculum are we using?

You can check that out on my YouTube channel linked below:

The Grouser Family Homeschool

Lastly, I want to share with you our verse we will stand on for the year:

Colossians 3:23 'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man.'

Check back here soon for new blog post about our homeschool adventure. 



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