One Week Completed

So we did it! That was our first week of school and I think it went very well.

Kye is finally getting all situated with all of his subjects. He’s doing an excellent job with his independent work as well as sitting and listening as I am teaching him new things. I was very surprised today when we were finishing up our language arts with The Good and The Beautiful, he was able to tell me his poem that he memorized already! Naturally, Kye would pick the shortest poem to memorize, but he did a very good job memorizing and saying the poem to me. Right now the only new thing I feel like Kye is learning is his language arts. That is just because with the math we are still in a review unit. So within the next week or so, math will begin new lessons and we will be learning new math skills for the third grade. So altogether Kye is doing an excellent job.

I honestly feel like most of this week was adjusting the little ones to a good schedule were they were learning but also playing independently when I needed to do one on one work with Kye. That took up until today that we got a very good rhythm on our morning activities with the little ones. I adjusted our schedule so that Kye is doing more independent work first thing in the morning so that I am able to sit down with the two little ones to start their morning. I start the little guys with our weekly focus, going over our letters and letter sounds. Then we do a little activity and a game to go over everything we are learning this week. After that is when I break out the centers that they play at independently together. At this time I am helping Kye with his Bible work.  Once Kye is done Bible and we are transitioning into language arts, that is when I send Luke and Jack into the playroom. This was the one thing I was struggling to figure out because they were very loud and kept interrupting while I was trying to do our language arts lesson. So now I see that it is helpful that I fill their ‘tanks’ right away in the morning and then they go into independent play for the rest of the morning.

I’m sure there are going to be a lot more changes coming within the next week or so because we will be adding science and history. However, right now this schedule is working out for us. 

I am very happy with the way that our first week went. There were a few struggles but this is all something we are adjusting to. Along with prayer and fully trusting in God, I know this experience will turn out great for our family. I am giving full control over to God and knowing that He will guide us during our homeschool.



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