Never Stop Praying

Sunday's Sermon came form Matthew 15:21-28.
There is a Canaanite women asking Jesus to help her daughter who has been demon-possessed. This woman first asked Jesus for help and gets no answer from Him. Even His disciples suggest they send her away because she keeps crying after them. Then Jesus answers her with this, "It it not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." With this the woman replies, Yes, Lord. But even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Then Jesus sees the woman faith and answers her cry to heal her daughter.

What can be learned from this passage? A woman was asking Jesus for help and did she get exactly what she wanted at first? Silence? That's exactly what she didn't want. So she humbled herself and knelt down before Jesus and ask again. Then Jesus sees her faith and answers her prayer.

I don't believe this is a passage explaining that if we constantly ask and humble ourselves that our prayers will be answered the way we want it to be answered. I believe this is a passage explain how if we do those things, ask persistently and humble ourselves that God hears our cries. He will answer our prayer, but maybe not exactly how we want it to be answer. But God always takes care of our needs. We need to ultimately trust in Him that He indeed does care for us.

God, I continue to ask for your guidance through out everything I experience in life. I pray that you help me humble myself so you can lead me in the direction you want me to go. I pray that I become silent so that I can hear your voice. Thank you for always being faithful.


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