Our Untamable Tongues

Just like in my last post, I talked about how we tend to try and fool others by claiming we are the strong believer we say we are, but the way we act proves other wise. Well, after reading through James 3, James kept right on the same path and continued on teaching us about how we need to watch our words. Our tongue may be one of the smallest parts of the body, yet it is the most powerful. We can hurt some one with just a couple word or even with the tone we use when we use our words. It made me think of the saying, 'Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me.' I don't know who came up with that saying but they are so wrong. Yes, we should teach ourselves to not let words hurt us, but in reality, some times they can be very powerful and strong. 
James tells us it's only those who use their words strongly who are the real mature ones, the ones who are strong in their faith and truly understand the power of their tongue. Our tongues are very untamable without the help of God. Just like everything else. If we try to have full control over things that we are struggling with in our life, we will never get those problems solved. I went through a stage in life where I felt like the only way things would get better is if I was in control of everything. Until, after reading and reading I finally started to surrender my struggles over to God. I let Him do what He wanted with them. It was until then I started to see a change for the better. So we can not try to control our tongues by our self. Out of that some mouth can come blessings and cursing. The complete opposite of each other. We can witness with our mouth but go home and talk behind some one's back. Using that same tongue to glorify God, we can use to disobey Him. In the same sense, we can't be both. We need to fully commit ourselves to God. Fully surrendering everything we have over to God!


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