Job 1

Today's message from Greg Laurie continued to focus on suffering and why is there suffering? 
He taught his whole sermon on Job 1. Job had everything and Satan took it all away, however, Job continued to praise God. 

Everyone has been, is going through or is just getting out of a great deal of suffering; even Christians! We need to be prepared and know how we will react. 
Whatever comes in our life either comes from God directly or is allowed by Him. 

In the story of Job, Satan had to get the say from God (authority). Nothing can happen to us without God allowing it. God says to Satan, "Look, all he has is within your power; only don't stretch out your hand against him" (Do not harm him). 
Why did God give Job over to Satan? Why does God allow suffering? As I wrote in my previous blog post, one of the points on "Why is there suffering" was - it shows that we honor God.
Are we going to blame God for our suffering or are we going to rejoice?

One after one a messenger came to Job and told him of something terrible that has happened to Job's possessions. Worse of all the last messenger gave Job the message that all of his children have died. 

What way would you react if this happened to you? Would you question God? Blame Him? 

This is what Job did, 'Job arose, tore his clothes, shaved his head, fell to the ground, and worshipped.' Can you imagine? Through all these trials, Job chose to praise God. 'He said: "Naked I came from my mother’s womb; naked I will return there. The Lord has given; the Lord has taken; bless the Lord ’s name." 
Never once did Job blame God for anything! He accepted it and continued to praise God. So in this situation Satan lost! He tried to tempt Job and Job wouldn't budge. 
Next time you see yourself going to or approaching a hard situation how will you react? 


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