Sweet and Simple

Right now, I'm seeing how basic my life is. I am on such a schedule it's unbelievable how I feel when i break that schedule. Monday through Friday it goes a little something like this:
  • Wake up at 5
  • Shower
  • Go to work at 6
  • Come home for a break at 10
  • Go back to work 
  • Get off work at 1
  • Take a nap (if possible) with Kye
  • Bed time for Kye at 7:30
  • For me at 8
And that goes on Monday-Friday. But now it's Friday and Kye has been asleep for almost two hours. I don't have work early in the morning and I'm not so tired. So I am so lost on what I should do! Glad I got the idea to blog and just to write whats on my mind because I think I would of went crazy. I don't really want to watch anything on TV because I haven't been able to keep up with any of the shows since I go to sleep so early now. So I'm just sitting on the couch bored out of my mind.

With all that said, it's plain to see how simple my life is. I am a mom. And that's about it.Well, that's really it. Work two jobs plus being a full time mommy, and I can't say anything negative because I love it. If I could change my work schedule that would be nice because it does seem like I'm missing out some on my son and I really hate that. I worked 6-1 all week and now tomorrow I have to work at my other job 2-9. It really bums me out because I'm barely going to see my son tomorrow. What gets me through the day though is knowing that I am doing all of this for my son and in the long run it will pay off. I know it will. He motivates me so much and that makes a lot so much easier. If he wasn't here I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be waitressing again and probably just working the retail job a couple days a week.
As I'm sitting here on the couch I'm watching TV and by that I mean regular TV. I can't remember the last time I watched something other than BabyTV. I am watching Charlie & The Chocolate Factory but I am not watching those baby sing along shows and it just feels weird. It's strange not going along with my every day schedule. 
I love my life being a mom. It's the most rewarding things there is and I wouldn't change it for the world.


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