My Happiness > Your Happiness

After 7.5 months I decided it was time for me just to have a baby free night. As much as I didn't want to leave my son for the night I knew I deserved it. I made sure I didn't go out until an hour before he went to bed, so I didn't feel as guilty. I realized, no body can make me feel like I'm a bad parent for going out for just a night. I'm with my son everyday and if I want to just have time to my self every once in a blue moon, it's ok. It's not like I never see my son because I want to do other things, my son comes first in everything I do.
So last night I went to see ET! I was so excited. That is one of my favorite movies and to see it in theaters was great! It was only one showing, not too late, since I have work this morning I knew I'd get home at a decent time. It was really nice to get out. I couldn't stop thinking about what my son was doing (even though I knew he was just sleeping) I did enjoy myself though. I probably won't go out with out my son for a long time again, so I'm glad I got to enjoy last night.
We have a lot of fun set for this weekend. We are going to the pumpkin patch to get some pumpkins and so mommy can get some good pictures for Kye's first fall. I might make some cards too to send to family. Not sure though.
I'm glad I get to spend my weekends with my son 24 hours, no work (as long as I'm not working job #2) just him and I. Words can't explain how wonderful my life is. I'm so happy I have you in my life now. The happiness my son brings me can not be compared to any other happiness anything else in this world can bring. That's why I can say that my happiness, is greater then your happiness (When I saw 'your' I mean one person in particular). There is nothing better than being able to spend every day with the person you brought into this world and I'm so happy God gave me this blessing.
When something unexpected happens in life I'm glad I didn't run, rather, I accepted it and it has brought me so much joy.
It doesn't get any better than this. ❤


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