Well This Sucks.

With me working Monday through Friday and having weekends off, sometimes it can be rewarding and some times it can just suck. This weekend is going to such. I have to work my other job today, the mid shift, which means I only have about 2 more hours with my son until I have to leave. And I will be back home when he's asleep. :/ Maybe I can get home early so I can spend some time with him. Then tomorrow! Is church and I know he's going to be acting up and won't let me listen to the message. So ill probably sit with him in the nursery. Tomorrow will be my only day with him and I don't want to just put him in the nursery.
On top of that next month I'm working every weekend. -_-
Why can't we get paid to be single mothers?!
Life would be so much rewarding.
I'm having a really rough time with the fact that Kye is almost a year old and I should start him on solids. I don't want to give up the bond of breastfeeding. I don't want to have to limit it. If I were married and knew I would have another baby soon I'd be fine with it. But knowing that wont happen anytime soon I just want to breastfeed him forever! I can see myself being that mother who breast feeds until my son is like 6. I wouldn't do that but it's a nice thought. I really don't want to lose the bond of breastfeeding though. But I'll eventually have to deal with that.
I just need time to stop so I can cherish these last few months of breastfeeding.

So as I sit here at the park with Kye enjoying these last couple hours until work I'm acknowledging so more how blessed I am to be his mother. :)

Now I here the cows mooing (I basically live in a farmland) I remembered I told Kye next time we come here I'd bring him over there. Hopefully he doesn't get scared. We'll see! :)


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