Daniel 6

The story of Daniel and the lions' den. Daniel was thrown into punishment because he prayed to God. It was against the rules/law. However, Daniel continued to pray to God throughout his punishment. Deathly punishment was no stop to Daniel's love and passion for God. He wasn't ashamed of it nor did he hide it after he was thrown into the lion's den. Daniel talked to God as if He was a person right there with him. If you think about it, isn't that the way we should pray. Like God is right by our side. Haven't we invited God into our hearts? Therefore He is right next to us and we can talk to Him just as Daniel did, everyday. He was the definition of a true believer. 

Can you say you are like Daniel? Always professing your faith. Does everyone you come into contact with know you are a Christian? People should be able to know you are a believer is God by what you say, how you live and even by the way we dress.  

I always give this lady a ride to school when she needs one. Either on my way there or home is when I listen to Greg Laurie. I would always shut it off when she got in he car though and would save it for the way home or when I got home. Well today I put it on and I left it on. I was halfway through his message when I picked her up but finished it with her in the car.
I could tell that she was listening because of her sighs or gestures she made to some of the things he was saying. Even though she didn't get to hear the whole message. She got to hear some and for me that made me feel good. I was witnessing to her without even using my words. Just having Greg Laurie playing in my truck was enough to let her hear about God. Especially with this being the Christmas season, it's a great time to witness to others. I don't know exactly how it effected her but I knew she was listening. 
I'm pretty sure I'll play it more often even when she is in the car so that she can listen too. 

Do you sometimes feel silly witnessing or talking about God in general? Take this as an example and realize how easy it is and how much it might help some one. You can be the difference in some one's day. 


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