Call Me A Hypocrite

 I know it's always easier said then done but recently I've been feeling bad about something. I'm always encouraging when I write but it seems like I struggle with 'practicing what I preach'. A couple people made me realize that today, and not in a harsh way, in a loving way. And it's true.

Lately I've been struggling with a couple things that effected my relationship with God in the past. I can clearly see this is pulling me away from God, yet its hard for me to stop and say 'no' to my situation. I'm no where near where I was 3 years ago but this is how it all starts. Thoughts that go through my head, the little things I say and the way I act sometimes, they all remind of my past. 
The devil can put on the prettiest disguise and draw you in so easily. I truthfully can't say I'm going to let go of what's holding me back because it's much easier to draw it out. But it's a progress. I need to back down and slowly back away. 
I'm stronger than this struggle...I'll get through it. I won't let the devil win again. I just need to focus more!
And to all my followers, I apologize because I honestly feel like a hypocrit lately. I want to show you I'm the strong Christian I want to be. Understand I am human, we all are. I'm far from prefect but I believe one day if I stay close to God I will be in paradise standing next to the most perfect God ever!

I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13


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