Just Listen

'These people have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. Surely no one can stop them from being baptized with water, can they?' Acts 10:47

God has definitely been speaking to me nice and clear a lot lately. I did notice it a couple of times, but I would feel insecure and not listen to what He was telling me to do. There are a lot of opportunities out there and I would just let them pass by. I was looking for something different in life but I wasn't willing to make the difference myself. I made the commitment to myself to do what I knew was what God wanted me to, whether I was comfortable about it or not.

Two weeks ago, it was brought up in church that if anyone wanted to be baptized to just let the office know and they will give you information about it. I let a week go by, until I sent in to the office and told them I wanted to be baptized. For those who have been following me, you might remember my post a while ago about wanting to get baptized again. Looking back, that was about 4 months ago and here I am. It took that long, but I did it and that makes me feel great!

Last week at church our youth director gave an open invitation to the young adults to get together about talk about some theology. I found that as a great opportunity for me to connect with Godly people my age and talk about God. I was super excited about it, until the night of, of course. I was feeling antsy about going and leaving my son but once I was there I felt great about it. It was a great topic to talk on and I could of honestly sat there all night and talked. It was an eye opener and another chance for me to put myself out there as a Christian.

God is putting great opportunities in front of me and I am much more willing to step out of my shell and do what He wants me to do.

Over dinner this past Friday with the young adults at my church we talked about, was the tree of knowledge that Adam and Eve ate of, good or evil? Was it a good or bad thing that they now know of this knowledge?

In Genesis 3 is where this is talked about. Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat from this tree. She knew that God told her not to but instead she listened to the temptation of the Devil and ate anyway.
'The snake said to the woman, "You won't die! God knows that on the day you eat from it, you will see clearly and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."' Genesis 3:4-5
That decision she and her husband made of course changed humanity forever.

Don't we go through life making decisions on what is right and wrong? Honestly, what is right and what is wrong? Define it...
Before Adam and Eve ate this fruit all they knew was the way of the Lord. They never had a choice, until they bit into that fruit. It wasn't made for us to know like God and have the knowledge of good and evil. We weren't made to choose.
What this means is when we go through life, we shouldn't base our 'choices' off of what is right and what is wrong. What we should base our decisions in life off of is, is it the Godly thing to do. Remember the big thing in the 90s, all the bracelets, necklaces and stickers that said WWJD? What would Jesus do? Well that sure fell off didn't it? It's so true though. That is the only way to go through life is to ask yourself in every decision in your life, is this what God would want me to do? If you base your life off of that I am positive you will have a much happier and satisfying life. Give it a try!
May God bless you continuously. 

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