Looking Ahead

The past two days I spent some well needed time with a good friend and her kids. It hit me when I got back home that I am holding back on living and raising my son the way I want to. However, in a way I see that by looking into some one else's home, how things can turn out. They can either turn out very bad in a good way or very bad in a bad way. I know it sounds crazy, but when I read back at this in 10 years, I'll know exactly what I meant. Haha. 
Last night was New Year's Eve. I automatically changed my perspective. Why wait until the new year to change? Everyone says new year, new beginning. But why wait those couple of days? It's the little things that play a big role in my life and my sons as he gets older. Like letting him be messy and eat at the table in the living room or have bubbles in the tub and make a mess in the bathroom. It's the little things that keeps kids, kids. I need to remind myself that just because I'm living in my parents house, of course I need to respect them and their rules, but I also need to remember that I have a child who I need to raise and will raise the way I want to. 
The future looks bright. This year looks like it will be filled with a lot of new beginnings. I'm so excited to see how things turn out after I'm done school. God willing, everything will fall into place. I have a plan but I know I'm going to let God do what He knows is best. 

So this year I'm definitely going to focus on the little things now so that bigs things will happen later on. It's something I struggled with for a while now, just doing small things that will lead to bigger differences in life. This year looks so promising, I'm so excited. It's going to be one great ride and journey and I'm looking so forward to it! 
Happy New Years! 
Oh, and Happy Birthday to me!


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