Prayer For Others

Yesterday I was very unsure about going to a young adults service at a friend's church. I told my self the beginning of the year that I HAVE to go every week. I need this in my life. The only way I'm going to grow in Christ is by surrounding myself with Godly people. I love being in church but as soon as I stop foot outside the door, back into the world and it's so easy to fall into the wordly things of this life. I need to surround myself more than once a week being in The Lord's presence. It's the only way to stay away from this sinful world. 
Well last night being in church, it was great! We had praise and worship and instead of splitting into different groups we all stayed in one room. The church itself was having a prayer week, where they focus on praying for themselves and others. The pastor read from Luke 10. 

'By contrast, Martha was preoccupied with getting everything ready for their meal. So Martha came to him and said, "Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to prepare the table all by myself? Tell her to help me." The Lord answered, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things. One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part. It won’t be taken away from her."' Luke 10:40-42

Martha was so worried and worked up about getting the meal ready and doing everything on her own that she relied on Jesus to discipline Mary because she wasn't focusing on the worries Martha had. Mary was focusing on The Lord and serving Him, while Martha was so worried about a wordly thing. 

I would find myself worrying about how I'm going to make it through the week and then realize God has everything under control and to just focus on serving Him and He will get you through everything else. 
Pastor had us write a couple things we want prayer for and post it on a wall and pray about it. After we prayed about it we went back to the board and took some one else's card. There was no name on the cards so it was all anonymous and sit down and pray for that person. It's so much easier to pray for some one else rather than yourself. 
This week and for a long time I will focus on praying for this person. It's neat seeing other people have many prayers. It's not just me who is struggling through this life, but others as well. We need to focus more on praying and stop worrying. Prayer is the most effective way  to overcome our worries. 


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