Am I Really That Boring?

You're boring, you don't do anything fun, 'you haven't had sex in how long?!' Isn't that the most typical ways to describe a Christian? But it's absolutely true for a non-Christian to think that of Christians, because they see fun as having drinks and going to parties. I just have to say, why do Christians think it's ok to drink?! 
People can say Christians aren't fun because we see fun in a different way. We see that waiting to act is ok and it's the best for us. We also see there are no true benefits of behaving the way non-Christians do. God gave us boundaries because He cares about us and wants us to do right. 
God gave us the 10 Commandments. To guide us; not to keep us locked up. Pastor Greg Laurie gave a little story that can show what the Commandments does for us:
He sees a bird in his backyard, not any ordinary street bird but a bird that looks like it was someone's pet. Well, Pastor Laurie keeps his German Shepard outside as well and he knew this bird would be lunch if he didn't do something fast. He got a cage for the bird and went outside to get the bird to come inside. The bird landed on his finger and as soon as he opened the cage the bird flew right in. 
The bird didn't see the cage as a barred prison so he can not be free. The bird saw the cage as protection, from the German Shepard. 

Just like God gives us the Ten Commandments to help keep us from evil. Christians find everything we would want in the world, through Christ. He gives us everything we would want and need of course. Just because the world says one thing doesn't mean it's true. Try the Bible for once. 

The Ten Commandments

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Respect your father and mother.
  6. You must not kill.
  7. You must not commit adultery.
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor 
Also found in: Exodus 20 

We will slip and maybe even fall into this world but God will always be there to greet us back with open arms. This reminds me of the story of 'The Prodigal Son'. I came across a very down to earth description of this parable and thought it was funny in a way but always tells the story in layman's terms 

Dad has two sons. One son asks his dad for his inheritance early. Dad gives it to him and son squanders it, becomes homeless and out of desperation decides to go home and see if he could work for his dad as a hired hand. Meanwhile, son at home is working his butt off year after year and doing what his dad wants. Dad sees his partier son coming home and runs to him, huggs and kisses him and welcomes him home. He tells the faithful son to go and kill the fatted animal so that they can invite all their friends and celebrate. Faithful son is pissed and complains to his dad that in all the years he's worked faithfully for and with his dad, his dad hasn't done jack for him in terms of a party. Dad says to faithful son that all that he has is his but his other son was lost but now is found and that's a reason to party.

Of course this parable shows that even though the son did wrong against his father, his father was still willing to love him just as he did his faithful son. Why? Because God loved us even to welcome us back even if we have been lost. 

So don't believe that us Christians are really boring. We just know right from wrong, and we also know what we will be rewarded in the end. Nothing on this earth can compare to the glory we will see when we are in the presence of God. 

Christianity is not just a pie in the sky when you die; it's a steak on the plate while you wait. -Mitch


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