Compromising with God?

Pastor Greg Laurie describes Satan's temptation as a pacifier. Just like pacifiers give babies no nutrients it just makes them happy, the devil can tempt us to give in to something that doesn't benefit our relationship with God, yet might make us feel good for the moment. 
Do you find yourself compromising with The Lord or even the Devil? It's easy to listen to those temptations and give in to them because it's just one time, it won't ruin your relationship with God. Can you distinguish whose voice that is? 
Also from Pastor Greg Laurie I remember he was talking about his relationship and marriage with his wife. He remembered having a conversation with then his girlfriend, he said, 'Don't come between my relationship with God.' That has to be the most powerful statement any Christian can make before their significant other. 
That also applies to life in general. Don't let a petty decision come between your relationship with God. Even if that little voice is telling you it's not that big of a deal; it is and it will be. We live in a world where if you aren't doing what everyone else is doing then you don't amount to them. But who says we need to? My God tells me to be like Him and obey Him. The world tells me the opposite. I want a relationship with God more than I want anything on this earth. Therefore we need to focus more on our relationship with Him. That one drink, one night shared with that person you're not married to, that one  time you do what the world is doing is one small step toward the enemy and one large step from God. 
Stop listening to the voice who tells you it's ok, God will forgive you if you do it this one time and start listen to the voice that convicts you. Conviction is good, it means you know what God wants for you and that you're losing your grip but need to hold on tighter. 

Christians aren't known for not being sinners, everyone sins, Christian or not. We need to start being known for being forgiven. 

'All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, but all are treated as righteous freely by his grace because of a ransom that was paid by Christ Jesus.' Romans 3:23-24 


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