Give Up Everything

                                      Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
                                                        Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
-Hillsong United Oceans 

If these are the most beautiful words perfectly phrased into a song, I don't know what is. These words put together are so powerful and moving it boggles my mind. I've never heard something so sweet that brought tears to my eyes. 

I've heard this song on the radio multiple times but this is that type of song that if you don't listen to it word by word it's only just a nice tune. But if you actually listen and put the words into meaning you will fully understand what the song says. 
It's putting all your trust into one person and never having that person let you down. It's loving some one so deeply that you are willing to give up everything for them. It's being some one you never imagined being to received the greatest present. It's loving the new person you have become so that you can love Him. 

God wants all of us. He wants every inch of our body, mind and soul; nothing left behind. Once we can give our whole self over to The Lord, that's when we will receive blessings beyond compare. Pouring your heart out to Christ doesn't just mean giving up a sin or two, but giving your life over to Him. Giving everything this world has given you and handing it over to God. It means trusting God with every move and decision you make in this life. It means letting God take control of your life. 

How great is that? How many people can say they can do that? Probably not much. But this is me saying I want to do that. I want to feel the power of God controlling my life. I don't want any more doubt, yet forever satisfaction knowing God will never fail me. As long as I put all my trust and hope in Him there is nothing I will ever need to worry about. 

To start, I know I have plenty to give up. Plenty to give up so that I can focus more on God. I need to make myself higher on my 'list' of to do's. I need to take better care of the body God has given me. I need to take better care of the mind God has given me to wonder. And mostly, I need to take care of the heart which God lives in. 
I know what it is that is holding me back. The do's and dont's I need to focus on more and less. With that, I will become a better Christian. I will become closer to God. I will become one with Christ. Nothing is greater than that. 

God take me where I could never imagine possible. 
Guide me to do things for you that I would of never been able to do without you. 
Push me to limits no human can go to 
So that my faith will be greater than ever. 
With you, I will do everything you have planned for me.


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