How Music Is Changing My Life

I went through every school year listening to the same type of music. That explicit rap and hip hop that talked about nothing but non sense. I use to love the beat and bass of the music and the words were just to catchy not to sing. Once I found out I would be bringing a new little person into this world, I knew it was time for me to change the music I was listen to. Music was a huge part of my life. Other than basketball, that was my stress reliever. I would pop in the ear buds or go for a drive and blast this awfully made music. 
As I got farther along in my pregnancy and drove to work everyday, I started to put on some lighter music. I just felt like my son can hear this music now, still in my belly. I know he doesn't understand what they are saying now, but I don't want these types of songs to be his life soundtrack. 
Not just for my son but for myself. I was starting to grow in my faith in God and this felt like the only thing that was holding me back from growing closer to God. One night, I had a very vivid dream and I felt God was speaking directly to me and told me, if I were to die right now, I wouldn't be making my was to Heaven. I brought this dream to my Pastor and he asked the question, 'What do you need to change to make sure you do go to Heaven?' I honestly believed that the music I was throwing into my mind was the last thing I needed to change. He continued to say something like, God understands what is hard for you and He won't judge you for making those choices with the music you listen to. To me that answer just wasn't good enough. I needed to be told, 'You really need to change the music you listen to', 'That absolutely is going to hold you back from growing in your faith.' 
I would try to put on Power 99.1 in the car but after a song or two I just didn't feel like I could bare listening to this slow yet meaningful songs and I fell back to listening to the music I was comfortable with. I can't even say when the change came but I just remember I kept trying to listen to Christian music and some times I made it to about 3 songs before I turned it back off. I downloaded some of my favorite song to my phone and would listen to those. I felt like I was going through withdrawal! from music and I needed to listen to the music I was used to. 

Here I am now though, 21 years later. All I can listen to is Christian music. When I'm in the car with some one else and they have their crazy rap or hip hop on, it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. I just can't stand it. I can't understand how I was able to listen to this music for so long. I feel the same way I did about Christian music in the past but now with rap. It's horrible! Why did I ever listen to that?! 
Music now is definitely my happy place. I love the praise and worship at my church. I look forward to Sundays. I absolutely love blasting K-LOVE in the car where ever I go. The biggest enjoyment out of it all is that I get to sneak a little peak at my son, in the back seat singing his little heart out, until he sees me watching and gets all bashful. No matter what kind of mood I might be in, actually listening to the words of these songs helps be get through the day. I don't think I have gone through one day since the change without listening to Christian music. 
From the experience I had at Harvest America last November to the Jeremy Camp concert that is coming up this Friday, I couldn't be any more excited. I'm so excited to worship The Lord in my own little way. Whether it's through hands raise or small tears falling from my eyes. It calms me and helps me to understand, I can go to Heaven if I were to die today. Of course, there is always something that you can change in your life to help your relationship grow in Christ, this just was the biggest aspect for me!


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