Answered Prayers (Two Years In The Making)

This post won't have much to do about scripture it self but it will profess how wonderful my God is!
I want to share how God has been working in my life and that His timing is always perfect, even when it feels like He might have forgotten about your prayer. I want to share this to let you know that God is here for you and also so I have this to look back on as a reminder that this life isn't operated by my plans, but God's.

These past two months have been life changing for me and my son. We are experiencing so many new things and learning so much about others. I have been praying for 2 years for two certain things; my son's father would be in his life more and for God to bring a Christian man into my life. These were the two things I felt would be the most beneficial for my son and myself. It's so much more important for my son to have his father than it is for me to have a significant other but it's so funny how God had me pray about these two together because of how things turned out.
It seems like these two were on the top of my prayer list and when I forgot to include other request in my prayers these two almost stuck in my head. Never did I want my son to grow up with a father and I knew it was completely out of my control now to try and make my ex a father. I tired so many times and I saw that with this situation in my control, it was never going to work out. Some times it seemed like it was getting better and he was becoming more consistent but it never lasted. I crossed a couple guys in my path since I had my son, but it was never anything serious. I knew it was never going to be anything serious because I knew that I needed to be with a man of God who would help me strive to become closer to Christ. As these past two years flew right by me and my plans, I realized how rare and hard this was going to be. It's not easy or common to find a guy with the right motives in life, who wants a relationship with a woman who already had a kid and who loves Christ more than himself. I eventually started to think, maybe God has it planned out that I just be single for the rest of my life. That was me doubting God and what came along with that is me becoming distant with God. Even though I felt some what let down, I made sure to continue to pray for this.
January 19 I was baptized and I realized this needed to be my turning point. Re-surrender my life over to God and give Him full control over everything, again. I needed to get back in the word more and focus on God more than my wants in this life. A month later I started to see maybe God was remembering me and my prayers. But it wasn't until about last month when I noticed one of my prayers started to be answered. I thank God so much and prayed that if this is what I have been praying for, prepare my heart and mind. This is going to be all new to me. Meeting a guy and getting to know them was going to be different this time around. This time Christ is going to be right in the middle of a relationship and He will be the center focus. This time a relationship for me wasn't going to be about myself and making sure I got everything I wanted out of this. This time it was going to be about going to church and talking about God with each other. It was going to be way more meaningful for me this time. So when God started to bring new changes in my life, I was kind of timid about it but in a way I was so excited to see what this would turn out to be.
On top of that, a few weeks later I got a text from my son's father, one of those text I never really wanted to see because I knew it would make me sick to my stomach. The words that read '...taking you to court'. I have always been so scared of my son not being with me all the time. But when I read over this text it seemed like right then and there God just lifted a HUGE weight off of my shoulder and said clearly to me, "I've got this!" I was able to respond respectfully to his request and we were able to work something out. My son's father started to come around more and we were actually able to sit down and have a conversation without being nasty or rude to each other. I started to realize how much he has changed and how serious he was about being in his son's life. My heart was so happy for my son and my self. This was a huge burden lifted away from me because in a way I was always hard on my self because my son was growing up with out a stable relationship with his father.

God was working on two prayers that I had been praying so hard for. 
Two years! I always preached to myself that God's timing is so perfect! Even it it takes years! I will never stop praying those same prayers about these two situations until I get confirmation from God that this is really it. 
Once I started to realize my prayers being answered, I backed away from God a little. I noticed I was getting what I prayed for and I was content with that. Until things seemed to go a little down hill. When we feel like our prayers are being answered the last thing we should do is stop praying for the same exact prayer. It was like God handed me the key to a new door and I just plowed through it. I got a little too excited. It's been two years; how couldn't of I be excited?
Well I got back on the wagon and started praying the same prayer I prayed 2 years ago and I realized everything coming back together. 
What is blowing my mind about this whole situation is that it seems like one prayer needed to be answered and I needed to expect the new way of parenting to have another prayer answered. God knew I was going to have new changes in my life that would be a little hard for me to go through alone so He gave me some one who can help me get through it. God answered one prayer by answering another. I needed my son's father to step up and for me to accept changes before God could bring a man into my life. 
It's so hard to put into words but it's so crazy for me. It makes so much sense why it took two years for all of this to happen. I drives me crazy how awesome God is. How much He loves His children. How much He really loves me. I am so incredibly thankful that God gave me the patience to not give up on hope; to not stop praying and continue to believe and trust in Him. 
I truly believe that this is it. My son has his father in his life forever. There is no more backing down for his father. He is so serious this time around. That prayer has been answered. But I won't stop praying for his father that he continues this routine. 
I have a very good feeling that this is the man I have been praying for for the past two years. It's funny because I prayed in detail what I felt like I needed in my life in a guy and he pretty much fits into that description. I believe you should pray in detail. God already knows your heart; He knows what you are going to say even before you say it but praying in detail shows God that we trust Him with our word and it helps us draw closer to Him. So when God brought us together, I knew He had a very good reason on doing so. God brings people into our life for either a reason or a season. I believe God has a reason for this man. Makes me so exciting!

With all that said, don't stop praying! God is listening and He has a great plan for you! Please, don't stop praying. You might be one prayer away from it being answered. I took me two years! It could of taken longer. And when your prayers seem to start being answered, don't stop praying for them. Thank God everyday for what He is doing in your life. Thank God for the people He has brought into your life. Don't stop praying, ever. It's what gets us through the day. 
I will continue to pray and thank God for my son's father and for this man He has brought into my life. God never stops working so continue to talk to Him while He is making up the greatest plans for your life! 


  1. To my very articulate beautiful Neice Christina this is one of the most anointed heartfelt blogs I have ever read.I am, overwhelmingly proud of you and what He is doing in your life and Kyes, You are a amazing young woman.A true example to all young mom's in the body of, Christ. Continue to seek first God's kingdom and Yes All things shall be added unto you. He is faithful and He will never leave you or forsake you.Pursue journeying you have been given a great gift of pen. I LOVE YOU ALL MY HEART your heart has blessed my heart Today.Aunty Sabrina Kisses to you and Kye


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