One Must Wait Until The Sunset...

'Better to have little, with fear for The Lord, than to have great treasure and inner turmoil.' Proverbs 15:16

God has been working hard in my life and giving me new things that are just a little too much for me to handle on my own. I know His reasons but I don't realize it until what I thought meant a lot to me starts to fade away. When God starts to answer prayer, it's so easy to just stop and enjoy life and let yourself stray away from God. It's like the only time we turn to God is when there is trouble in our life. I have to admit that is me some times. I'm so good with being thankful for what God places in my life, in the beginning, but when it starts to become a regular routine for my life I stop acknowledging what God has blessed me with. 
It's better to have a little with God than to have a lot without Him. We might be able to look at other people's lives and see all the worldly success they have but if we realize what we have with God, we realize it is so much greater. Nothing in this world can compare to the love and promises we have with God. I need to start being content with what I have right now in life and stop looking at the future and what I could have. What I have right now isn't close to little but to the world, it could be better. I get so wrapped up in the world and what the world has to offer that I start to get a little greedy. I want what the next person has. But does that person have nearly everything that I have, God? 
What is it that we are really missing out on? Is it that much better than what God has to offer? 
You will make sacrifices in this life. Sacrifices that only the world loves. You will deny yourself but in the end you didn't miss anything. If you strive for these flesh-loving, worldly things you're wasting your life away and not realizing what God has already given to you is greater than anything the world has to offer. The world only offers things that will fade away, when God offers life!
Don't count yourself out because you don't have everything the world says you're suppose to or want to have. Understand that you have a ways to go. Your time isn't up yet. When things start to go downhill for you, remember what your focus is and where it should be. 
Don't turn to God only when the road gets rough. Thank Him for everything He has already given you. That is enough. God gives what is enough, nothing more and nothing less. 

1 Corinthians 10:13 states ' No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.'

Never will God give us more than we can bear. If He brought us to a tough situation, He will bring us through it; as long as we trust in Him that He can do so, because He can and He will!

Sometimes, well most of the time after I write these posts I just say to myself, 'Take your own advice.' I'm so good at giving it but not accepting it. 


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